Imprint Because Software

Because Software GmbH
Untere Bahnhofstraße 38a
82110 Germering
Tel.: +49 89 894609-0
E-Mail: office(at) 

Managing Director: Jesper Ulsted, Lorenz Mrkos
HRB: München 289755
UID-Nr. DE 212824262

Agency software provider for Mac, Windows and Mobile. Responsible for content according to § 55 section 2 MDStV: Lorenz Mrkos (address as above)

The imprint also applies to the following social media profile: Facebook, Linkedin, Xing

Liability for content 
This website was created with the utmost care. Nevertheless, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained therein. Any liability for damage arising directly or indirectly from use of this website is excluded, unless caused by intent or gross negligence.

Liability for Links
If this website referrs to other websites operated by third parties, Because Software AG is not responsible for their content.

The page contents and works on these pages are subject to German copyright law. The reproduction, adaptation, distribution or any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the author or creator. Downloads and copies are permitted only for private, non-commercial use.

A special thank you goes to all agencies for providing the logos and image motifs.
We especially thank our favorite photographer Andi Dalferth for the great photo motifs of our employees and premises. Die Fotogräfin - Tina King shot additional motifs.

Before you buy: shutterstock 519817909 - Jacob Lund
Awards: shutterstock 637187101 - Farknot Architect
easyJOB APP: shutterstock 400680607 - wavebreakmedia and shutterstock 742623934 - BongkarnGraphic
What's new: shutterstock 1351315490 - SpicyTruffel
References: avantgarde, thjnk, artimage, bitzinger, brandmood, david bock, jazzunique, mediabrothers, sassenbach, schmittgall, vokdams, in a nutshell
shutterstock 222984970 - ESB Professional
Locations: iStock 000016888113
Locations: © Oliver Raupach -
Locations: iStock 000001553018
Locations: iStock 000015184305

We use other images from shutterstock in our newsroom. They are legally acquired and licensed.